Omnis Studio Server 4.3.1 Web Edition Non Unicode For Mac

2013-10-24 16:36:21 UTC
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  • Omnis Studio Server Non Unicode & Unicode MacOSX 101 MB Omnis Studio is one of the most powerful and flexible Rapid Application Development (RAD) tools available today. With Omnis Studio, independent or team-based developers can create enterprise or web applications for companies and organisations of any size.Omnis Studio lets you develop and deploy applications under Windows.

Omnis Studio Server 4.3.1 Web Edition Non Unicode For Mac Download

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Omnis Studio Server 4.3.1 Web Edition Non Unicode For Mac

Omnis Studio Server 4.3.1 Web Edition Non Unicode For Mac Osx

I just got an email from a client who is running an application I built using a Studio 4.3.1 runtime on OS X Mavericks. He sent me a screen shot with the message:
Web Enabler initialization failed - could not load 'Web Enabler Shared' shared library
I know there was mention of this on this list before, apparently there are some old dependencies with Open Transport in this old version of Studio. I'm not using any of the web enabler stuff in this program so I tried taking a copy of this application and removing the weshared.n_lib from the MacOS folder and the wecommnd.n_external from the externals folder. But then the program has a bunch of other spooky problems. Shouldn't I be able to just take those things out?
Michael Houlberg
Houlberg Development, LLC